Tuesday, April 29, 2008

film noir aka ladies who screw men over

Chinatown is easily one of the greatest movies I've ever seen. It has well developed characters as well as plot. The word to describe it is crazy. Even when things get too crazy to believe the viewer is still transfixed. It's not stupid crazy like in Out of the Past. A daughter made by a father and daughter is crazy believable, unlike a box that blows up the world. I bet I can come up with at least ten reasons why Chinatown is so ballin in less than a minute.

1. Gittes slaps around the femme fatale
2. Gittes doesn't get screwed (figuratively) by the femme fatale
3. It shows the corruption in government
4. A nose gets cut
5. An eye gets shot out
6. Jack Nicholson almost is attractive
7. The color film doesn't detract from the movie
8. There are some sweet-ass car chases
9. The whole smashing out a tail light and following
10. "Forget about it Jake, its Chinatown"

God damn the movie is fantastic. Up until the last twenty minutes you think its following the classic film noir path until the femme fatale gets shot and Gittes gets to simply walk away. The only thing that really sucked about the movie was the fact that the rapist corrupted murduring SOB father got off scratch free, but that's life. Dickheads with money run the government. Gittes is a clever guy and I wish I was as cool as him. He is always on his toes and knows exactally which cards to play when, even when it appears all is lost he manages to fool everyone once more and turn the table. The last scene was the absolute greatest when the last shot is fired and the car stops with the horn blaring. In that instant the audience immidately knows she was killed and its a great way of inferencing to what happened rather then showing a close up of the blood and nastyness right away.

1 comment:

Rima H said...

OMG zoe your top 10 is amazing!! gittes slapping the girl and the line "forget about it jake it's chinatown" i will never forget for the rest of my life just cuz it was soo influential to the movie and what not. And i agree with you how it really sucks that the creep dad/grandfather got away cuz he deserved to die and i kinda wished he died instead of the mom, cuz she ended up being chill towards the end of the movie and the ending with the horn and the scream really created dramatic flare which was a plus! GREAT POST!!!